I'm New

At FBC, we desire to be a place where every age group is welcome, active, and involved. The Gospel of Jesus is just as relevant in the life of a child as it is for their parents and grandparents. Join us as we seek to glorify Him together.

When we Meet

Sunday Mornings

Sunday school at 9:45 am
Sunday Service at 10:45 am

Sunday evenings

Small Groups at various times

Wednesday Evenings

TeamKid at 5:30 pm
Prayer Meeting at 6:00 pm
Students at 6:30 pm

What To Expect

what to wear

At FBC Panhandle, we have people attend our services dressed in anything from suit and tie to
t-shirts and jeans.

Where to park

Guest parking is located on the East side of the building on Main Street. The East Entrance will provide you with the easiest access to the building.


When you enter the building, you will  be welcomed by a greeter at each entrance. They would be happy to answer any questions for you or to help direct you through the building.


We have Sunday school classes for kids ages birth through high school. These classes are located in the West wing of the building.
During the service, a nursery is available for all kids age 3 and under, However, they are also more than welcome to join you in the service.

Worship Service

Our worship services typically last about 75 minutes. We will have 25 minutes of blended worship, Scripture reading, and prayer followed by 35 minutes of preaching. We observe communion every week following the sermon, with one more song of worship to conclude the service.

contact card

During the service, if you would like more information about the church, or to be contacted by someone, please fill out a yellow card located in the pews. You can drop it in the offering plate as it is passed or at the exits as you leave..
Or click the button below to fill it out online!

Still have more questions?

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.